Product Promotion Strategy Through E-Commerce Based Website

Raden Lucky Heryuki, Zulfebriges Zulfebriges


Abscaly Menswear is a fashion product with good digital promotion media, that this brand can prove the greatness of e-commerce based website that can be a means of promotion for product sales and to increase product sales, Abscaly Menswear is one of the fashion products coming from Bandung focusing only on formal and casual products such as shirts, etc. Since its establishment in 2011 until now this brand can still survive in the many competition of fashion product business. Abscaly Menswear uses a means on the internet called e-commerce website that allows every consumer who wants to shop on the website without having to meet face to face just need to access the internet. The reason the author chose Abscaly is because the author wants to know about the promotional strategies undertaken to attract consumers through his E-Commerce website. The research method used in this research is to use descriptive method which only describes the object of research based on the results of research obtained by researchers in the field. Data collection techniques conducted by distributing questionnaires and interviews to strengthen the results of research. Sampling through simple random sampling technique. The object of research is Abscaly consumer product. Abscaly acts as a company that will promote and market its products through the website. The promotional elements used are promotion mix or promotional mix into a promotional program, the elements used are advertising (advertising), sales promotion (sales promotion), and direct marketing (direct marketing). Through promotional strategies that have been developed, Abscaly uses the internet media is a website to create exchange messages and information about its products to be distributed to its consumers.


Promotion mix, Website, E-Commerce.


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