Strategy Integrated Marketing Communication Brand Cosmetics Make Over

Radiani Putri Maulia, Udung Noor Rosyad


The development of professional cosmetics has now become an attraction, that might be seen by Paragon Technology and Innovation (PTI) that have developed local cosmetics brand with good i.e. Make Over, Wardah, Emina, IX, Vivre, Hair, Addict, and Nusilk. One of the flagship products of some makeup artist professional i.e. a Make Over. PT. Paragon Technology and Innovation (PTI) was founded in 1985 and has received the certificate of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) with a large production capacity and superior cosmetic formulations. With more than 28 years, PT. Paragon Technology and Innovation has brought Wardah and Make Over as the biggest brand in the local Department Store in Indonesia. The case taken by the author namely integrated marketing techniques performed by a unique Make Over by using a few beauty vlogger.Moving on from that case the author meant perusing about integrated marketing communication (IMC) cosmetic Make Over in Bandung. This research used the qualitative method with approach case studies so that the author can get maximum results about integrated marketing communications (IMC) Make Over and customer feedback about the concept of marketing from the Make Over. This study refers to two important points in the discussion, the first point about the integrated marketing communication program that consists of advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, public relations, and direct marketing and event marketing. Then on the second point regarding strategy and push pull strategy from cosmetic Make Over.The results of this research is how the parties of Make Over in conducting Integrated Marketing Communication strategy. Marketing Revolution is now developing then Make Over doing the merging elements of marketing communications such as event marketing with beauty class and gathering with beauty vlogger. Strategies that do Make Over can bring prospective consumers to better know the local brand.


Integrated Marketing Communication, Case Studies, Make Over.


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