Relation Of Brand Equity with Product Purchase Decision

Meilita Ditasyani Putri, Rini Rinawati


In the era of globalization is now increasingly fierce competition among companies in the field of fashion, because many companies that market similar products. That way a company must have a good strategy in order to maintain sales and attract consumers to buy products sold. Similarly, done by smith distribution even though this distro somewhat emerging but it can become a follower maket among other distros. With so many companies marketing similar products making smith should increase brand equity from its products in order to lead consumers and retain old customers to decide on purchases on their products. In this study investigated "Is there a relationship of brand equity with the decision to purchase house of smith products on membership in Jl.Sultan Agung No.27 Citarum Bandung?". The purpose of this research is to know whether or not the relationship of brand awareness, perceived quakity, brand associatons, and brand loyalty with product purchase decision at membership house of smith. This research uses quantitative method with correlational study, population in this research is the membership of distro smith with sample counted 77 respondents. The sampling technique in this study using simple random sampling by using data from member smith as a sampling frame. While the data collection technique this research dilkaukan through questionnaires, interviews, and observation. The result of this research is there is a very strong relationship between brand equity with decision of house of smith product in membership at Jl.Sultan Agung No.27 Citarum Bandung.


Brand, Brand Equity, Purchase Decision


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