Promotion Strategy PT.Pos Indonesia

Muthia Az-Zahra, Rini Rinawati


As the development of the era at this time, Pos Indonesia has decreased in the field of correspondence is due to the intelligent community and modern technology that exist at this time. This makes Pos Indonesia must create a strategy that can stabilize the existence of Pos Indonesia in its field. Consumers already know the details of Pos Indonesia then the prospective customers of Indonesia will not hesitate to return to use his services. And one of the promotional strategies undertaken by Pos Indonesia is to conduct promotions conducted in Floating Market Lembang to support promotional activities by putting the brand and logo Pos Indonesia on the water boat located in the Floating Market. The title of this research is PT. Indonesian post. This research uses qualitative method that aims to find out the reason to choose Floating Market as a means of promotion. Data collection techniques used are through interviews, documentation and observation. Interview conducted by Manager Marketing Communications Pos Indonesia Bandung, Staff Marketing Communications and to taken interviews with tourists in the Floating Market.The result of this research stated that promotion strategy at PT. Pos Indonesia is effective enough to remind the tourists especially in the Floating Market by looking at the post logo on the water boat play facilities and publicity is also done to help the ongoing promotion at the launching event of the water boat.


promotion strategy, advertising, publicity


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