Communication Process of Society Information Group as Agent of Information In Bandung City

Revina Chernova


This study was conducted to determine the communication process conducted in the Village Community Information Group Sukabungah Bandung. The communication process is a sequence of steps to be followed in the delivery of information. The communication process with six components, namely communication source, message, channel, and noise as well as problem solving are the reference in this study. The purpose of this study was to determine the communication process conducted Sukabungah Public Information Group as information agent, how early form groups Sukabungah information society, the communication process is done Sukabungah group of community information, obstacles in the communication process and overcome obstacles in the communication process. The method used by the researchers is a case study with qualitative data. Based on the above results, the communication process of the information society group as information agent is as a bridge between community and government information so that the information can be conveyed properly.


Communication Process, Sukabungah Public Information Group, Information Agent


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