Hubungan Trailer Film Fast 9 (The Fast Saga) dengan Minat Menonton

Ivan Hadiyan Agung, Mochammad Rochim


Abstract. Marketing communication in film relates to how the film attracts the attention of the target to achieve sales targets that have been determined by meeting the desires of the target and marketers. Trailer itself is a form of film marketing communication that is most commonly used caused by audio-visual representation of the film to introduce it to the target audience. Fast 9 (The Fast Saga) is an action-adventure film that is colored by the impression of the automotive world, this film published a trailer that can be enjoyed by various groups, students including one of them. This research tries to explain the relationship between Fast 9 (The Fast Saga) movie trailer and the students watching interest. More clearly about how the material of a trailer is related to the interest of students to watch the movie Fast 9 (The Fast Saga). The indicators used to support the variable (X) trailer are Film Trailers and The Purpose of the Trailers according to Kerrigan, while the variable (Y) interest in watching uses indicators of interest consisting of attention, interest and search. A quantitative method with a correlational approach is used in this study to examine whether there is a relationship between the two variables. The results of this study are: (1) There is a high relationship between the film trailers in the Fast 9 movie trailer (The Fast Saga) with attention in the students watching interest, (2) There is a significant relationship between the film trailers in the Fast 9 movie trailer (The Fast Saga) with an interest in students watching interest, (3) There is a significant relationship between the film trailers in the movie trailer Fast 9 (The Fast Saga) with a search in the students watching interest (4) There is a significant relationship between The Purpose of the Trailers in the movie trailer Fast 9 (The Fast Saga) with attention in the students watching interest, (5) There is a significant relationship between The Purpose of the Trailers in the movie trailer Fast 9 (The Fast Saga) with an interest in the students watching interest (6) There is a significant relationship between The Purpose of the Trailers in the movie trailer Fast 9 (The Fast Saga) with search in the students watching interest.

Keywords: Marketing Communication, Film, Trailer, Advertisement, Watching Interest, Fast 9.

Abstrak. Komunikasi pemasaran dalam film berkaitan dengan bagaimana film menarik perhatian target sasaran untuk mencapai target penjualan yang telah ditentukan dengan memenuhi keinginan target sasaran maupun pemasar. Trailer sendiri merupakan sebuah bentuk komunikasi pemasaran film yang paling lazim disebabkan oleh representasi berbentuk audio visual dari film untuk memperkenalkan kepada target sasaran. Fast 9 (The Fast Saga), Film action-adventure yang diwarnai kesan otomotif  ini memasarkan filmnya melalui sebuah trailer yang dapat dinikmati oleh berbagai kalangan, mahasiswa termasuk salah satunya. Penelitian ini berusaha menjelaskan hubungan trailer film Fast 9 (The Fast Saga) dengan minat menonton mahasiswa. Lebih jelasnya mengenai bagaimana material sebuah trailer berhubungan dengan minat mahasiswa untuk menonton film Fast 9 (The Fast Saga). Indikator yang digunakan untuk mendukung variabel (X) trailer yaitu Film Trailers dan The Purpose of the Trailers menurut Kerrigan, sedangkan variabel (Y) minat menonton menggunakan indikator minat yang terdiri dari attention, interest, dan search. Metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan korelasional digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk menguji ada tidaknya hubungan antara kedua variabel tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) Terdapat hubungan yang tinggi antara film trailers pada trailer film Fast 9 (The Fast Saga) dengan attention dalam minat menonton mahasiswa, (2) Terdapat hubungan yang cukup berarti antara film trailers pada trailer film Fast 9 (The Fast Saga) dengan interest dalam minat menonton mahasiswa, (3) Terdapat hubungan yang cukup berarti antara film trailers pada trailer film Fast 9 (The Fast Saga) dengan search dalam minat menonton mahasiswa (4) Terdapat hubungan yang cukup berarti antara The Purpose of the Trailers pada trailer film Fast 9 (The Fast Saga) dengan attention dalam minat menonton mahasiswa, (5) Terdapat hubungan yang cukup berarti antara The Purpose of the Trailers pada trailer film Fast 9 (The Fast Saga) dengan interest dalam minat menonton mahasiswa (6) Terdapat hubungan yang cukup berarti antara The Purpose of the Trailers pada trailer film Fast 9 (The Fast Saga) dengan search dalam minat menonton mahasiswa.

Kata Kunci: Komunikasi Pemasaran, Film, Trailer, Periklanan, Minat Menonton, Fast 9.


Komunikasi Pemasaran, Film, Trailer, Periklanan, Minat Menonton, Fast 9

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