Analisis Curah Hujan Esktrim Menggunakan Teori Nilai Ekstrim untuk Mengidentifikasi Perubahan Iklim

Chandra Wulandari, Suwanda Suwanda, Anneke Iswani Achmad


Daily, monthly, or annual rainfall data are usually analyzed through time series modeling, whose main purpose is for forecasting. Extreme rainfall data in time series analysis was overcome by robust method to improve model parameter estimation, but not analyzed further; Such as identifying climate change. In this paper we will examine the problem of extreme value analysis of rainfall specifically. The analysis includes determining the distribution of extreme values by Peak Over Threshold. Analysis of extreme values of rainfall will be applied to daily rainfall data obtained from Jatiwangi station of Majalengka district of West Java province, from January 1985 to December 2010. The aim is to identify climate change from January 1985 to December 1997 period January 1998 to December 2010 based on the rainy season, drought, and transition. The analysis shows that there is climate change during the rainy season, while in dry season and transition there is no climate change.


season, rainfall, extreme value, Peak Over Threshold, climate change.


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