Correlation study between Hardiness and Coping strategy on teachers of inclusion school in SDN Putraco Indah Bandung.

Puji Lana Ainan, Farida Coralia


SDN Putraco Indah Bandung is an inclusion school has more ABK students than normal number of students in each school. The school is also supported by helper or guardian teachers. There are 11 teachers  that most of them without disability education background. Every teacher must handle all ABK and normal students in a classroom. This condition make the teachers depressed and stressful. The teachers are required to overcome somethings that make them stressful in school. All efforts to overcome their stressful state is coping startegy. Coping strategy is influenced by many factors, one of them is personality characteristic, that is hardiness. Hardiness is a teachers effort to overcome and adjust themselves with the stressful situation. The objective of this study is to descibe the correlation between hardiness and coping strategy. The instruemnt used is hardiness scale of Suzanne (Kobasa) Ouellete (1984) and Ways Of Coping; The Revised Version of  Lazarus & Folkman (1984). This is correlational study with 11 teachers of SDN Putraco Indah as the sample. The results show that there is a significant correlation between hardiness and coping strategy (x2calculatin = 17,750 dan C = 0,637).  7 of 11 teachers have high hardiness that 6 of them using problem focused coping and one of them using positive emotion focused coping. And 4 teachers have low hardiness and one them uses problem focused coping.


Inclusion school, Hardiness, Coping strategy.


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