Studi Kontribusi Spirit At Work Terhadap Work Engagement Pada Satreskrim Polres

Ai Ela Solihatul Millah, Ali Mubarak


Abstract. The existence of Covid-19 which has an impact on the economy, namely the reduced income of the community and also the existence of assimilation policies and integration rights because overcrowding makes crime during the pandemic increase. Where the crime is handled by the Satreskrim which is one part of the police that handles criminal cases. So that the Satreskrim experiences an increase in workload which can reduce performance, work engagement is needed to improve performance with the spirit at work. This study aims to determine how big the contribution of spirit at work to work engagement at the Satreskrim Polres Tasikmalaya City. The method used is the causality method using population research, namely 48 police officers from the Satreskrim Polres Tasikmalaya City. The measuring tools used are spirit at work from Kinjerski and Skrypnek (2006), and work engagement measurement tools from Schaufeli & Bakker (2003). The results of the study found that 70.83% of the police had a high spirit at work and 68.75% of the police had a high work engagement. Multiple regression results show that spirit at work has a positive and significant effect on work engagement by 72%. And the influence of the spirit at work dimension, namely engaging work, spiritual connection, and mystical experience on work engagement, but sense of community has no effect on work engagement.

Keywords: Spirit at work, Work Engagement, Satreskrim

Abstrak. Adanya Covid-19 yang berdampak pada ekonomi yaitu penghasilan masyarakat yang berkurang dan juga adanya kebijakan asimilasi dan hak integrasi karena overcrowded membuat kejahatan selama pandemi meningkat. Dimana kejahatan tersebut ditangani oleh Satreskrim yang merupakan salah satu bagian di kepolisian yang menangani kasus pidana. Sehingga Satreskrim ini mengalami peningkatan beban kerja yang dapat menurunkan kinerja, maka dibutuhkan work engagement untuk meningkatkan kinerja dengan adanya spirit at work. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kontribusi spirit at work terhadap work engagement pada Satreskrim Polres Tasikmalaya Kota. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kausalitas dengan menggunakan penelitian populasi yaitu 48 orang polisi bagian satreskrim polres Tasikmalaya Kota. Alat ukur yang diganakan yaitu spirit at work dari Kinjerski dan Skrypnek (2006), serta alat ukur work engagement dari Schaufeli & Bakker (2003). Hasil penelitian ditemukan dengan 70.83% polisi memiliki spirit at work yang tinggi dan 68.75% polisi memiliki work engagement yang tinggi. Hasil regresi berganda menunjukkan bahwa spirit at work memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap work engagement sebesar 72%. Dan adanya pengaruh dimensi spirit at work yaitu engaging work, spiritual connection, dan mystical experience terhadap work engagement, namun sense of community tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap work engagement.

Kata Kunci: Spirit at work, Work Engagement, Satreskrim


Spirit at work, Work Engagement, Satreskrim

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