Pengaruh Distres Psikologis Terhadap Resiliensi Pada Anak Dan Remaja Saat Pandemi COVID-19

Tanissa Celianti Agustine, Ihsana Sabriani Borualogo


Abstract. This study aims to examine the contribution of psychological distress on the resilience of children and adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic. The participants of this study (N= 3,115; 53.4% female and 45.75% male) are children and adolescents with the age range of 10-18 years old in Indonesia. The data collection was performed via online means using Google Form with convenience sampling technique. The psychological distress was measured using the Kessler Psychological Scale (K-10) and the resilience was measured using the Child and Youth Resilience Measurement Revision (CYRM-R). The linear regression analysis was used to examine the psychological distress toward resiliency. Descriptive analysis was conducted by presenting mean scores that based on gender and age group. The psychological distress showed a significant negative contribution on the resilience of children and adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic (β= -.520; p< .01). The psychological distress for female children and adolescents (M= 30.82; SD= 8.43) is greater than their male counterparts (M = 25.80; SD = 8.74), while the resilience of female children and adolescents (M = 65.55; SD = 12.72) is lesser than their male counterparts (M = 68.91; SD = 13.34).The means score for children and adolescents according to the age group showed that the elementary school age group (M = 23.51; SD = 7.91) exhibited lower psychological distress and a higher resilience (M = 70.00; SD = 13.14)  compared to the other age groups.

Keywords: COVID-19,Psychological Distress, Resilience

Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kontribusi distres psikologis terhadap resiliensi pada anak dan remaja saat pandemi COVID-19. Partisipan penelitian ini (N = 3,115; 53.4% perempuan dan 45.75% laki-laki) adalah anak dan remaja berusia 10-18 tahun di wilayah Indonesia. Pengambilan data dilakukan secara online menggunakan Google Form dengan teknik sampling convenience. Distres psikologis diukur menggunakan Kessler Psychological Scale (K-10) dan resiliensi diukur menggunakan Child and Youth Resilience Measurement Revision (CYRM-R). Analisis regresi linier digunakan untuk menguji kontribusi distres psikologis terhadap resiliensi. Analisis deskriptif dilakukan dengan menyajikan skor mean berdasarkan jenis kelamin dan kelompok usia. Distres psikologis berkontribusi negatif secara signifikan terhadap resiliensi anak dan remaja pada saat pandemi COVID-19 dengan (β= -.520; p< .01). Distres psikologis anak dan remaja perempuan (M = 30.82; SD= 8.43) lebih tinggi dibandingkan anak dan remaja laki-laki (M = 25.80; SD = 8.74) serta anak dan remaja perempuan memiliki resiliensi (M = 65.55; SD = 12.72) yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan anak dan remaja laki-laki (M = 68.91; SD = 13.34). Means score anak dan remaja berdasarkan kelompok usia, menunjukkan kelompok usia SD (M = 23.51; SD = 7.91) memiliki distres psikologis yang lebih rendah dan resiliensi (M = 70.00; SD = 13.14)  yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok usia lainnya.

Kata Kunci: COVID-19, Distres psikologis, Resiliensi.


COVID-19, Distres psikologis, Resiliensi.

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