Study Deskriptif Wisdom And Knowledge pada Volunteer Departement Bina Desa Yayasan Pemuda Peduli di Kota Bandung

Nadya Suci Nurfadhilah, Dewi Sartika Akbar, Rizka Hadian


Abstrak. The problem of education is a problem that still often occurs. At the Yayasan Pemuda Peduli there is the Bina Desa Department that is responsible for the preparation and development of educational programs. During the process there were a number of problems including the preparation of many activities, closed society, and students who were difficult to direct. However, Volunteer shows behavior in the form of giving ideas on how to develop education, looking for various information about educational problems, and willing to contribute actively to community problems. This leads to one of the trait positive possessed by individuals, namely Wisdom and Knowledge. The purpose of this study is to look at the picture of Wisdom and Knowledge in the Bina Desa Department volunteers. The method used is descriptive method. The subjects used were as many as 45 people who were the entire Department of Bina Desa. Measurements were made based on Peterson and Saligman's (2004) theory for Wisdom and Knowledge. On the Wisdom and Knowledge scale obtained 29 valid items with a reliability value of 0.944. Based on the results of data processing, the results show that the Perspective aspect has the highest category of 45 people (100%), then the Open mindedness aspect is 39 people (86.7%), then the Creativity aspect is 36 people (80%), then the Curiosity aspect as many as 35 people (77.8%), then the aspect of Love of Learning with the highest category of at least as many as 27 people (60%).

Keywords: Wisdom and Knowledge, Volunteer.

Abstrak. Permasalahan pendidikan merupakan masalah yang masih sering terjadi. Pada Yayasan Pemuda Peduli terdapat Departement Bina Desa yang bertanggung jawab dalam penyusunan dan pengembangan program pendidikan. Selama proses terdapat beberapa masalah yaitu persiapan kegiatan yang banyak, masyarakat yang tertutup, dan siswa yang sulit untuk diarahkan. Namun, Volunteer menunjukkan perilaku berupa memberikan ide cara pengembangan pendidikan, mencari berbagai informasi masalah pendidikan, dan mau berkontribusi aktif pada masalah masyarakat. Hal tersebut mengarah pada salah satu trait positive yang dimiliki individu  yaitu Wisdom and Knowledge. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk melihat gambaran Wisdom and Knowledge pada volunteer Departement Bina Desa. Metoda yang digunakan adalah metoda deskriptif. Subjek yang digunakan yaitu sebanyak 45 orang yang merupakan seluruh Departement Bina Desa. Pengukuran dilakukan berdasarkan teori Peterson and Saligman (2004) untuk Wisdom and Knowledge. Pada skala Wisdom and Knowledge diperoleh 29 item valid dengan nilai reliabilitas sebesar 0,944. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data, didapatkan hasil bahwa aspek Perspective memiliki kategori tertinggi terbanyak yaitu 45 orang (100%), kemudian aspek Open mindedness sebanyak 39 orang (86,7%), kemudian aspek Creativity  sebanyak 36 orang (80%), kemudian aspek Curiosity sebanyak 35 orang (77,8%), kemudian aspek Love of Learning dengan kategori tinggi paling sedikit yaitu sebanyak 27 orang (60%).
Kata Kunci : Wisdom and Knowledge , Volunteer.


Wisdom and Knowledge , Volunteer.

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