Studi Literasi Self Regulated Learning pada Mahasiswa yang Mengalami Adiksi Game Online Mobile Legends

Shamira Dian Mayasari, Lilim Halimah


Abstract. Students are demanded to carry out lecture activities, so they could achieve the objective of their study. In fact there are some students of Faculty of Communication at the University of X, they also addicted to online games.  who in carrying out their active college activities also play online games, even to addiction. Therefore it required students to have good strategy. Students of the Faculty of Communication at the University of X, have a good strategy in carrying out and working on academic tasks, able to evaluate their performance that has been achieved. The purpose of this study was to find out how the description of self-regulated learning in students who experienced addiction to the online game Mobile Legends at the Faculty of Communication Sciences, University of X. The number of samples in this study were 48 students. Data collection uses a questionnaire constructed by researchers based on the theory of self regulated learning by Zimmerman (1989).The results showed that the students of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, University of X who had high self-regulated learning were 41 people with a percentage of 85.42%. It means, the students at the Faculty of Communication Sciences, University of X have the ability to regulate themselves in carrying out their demands in college and their desire to play Mobile legend online games, so they are able to demonstrate good academic performance even though they are also focused on playing Mobile Legends online games.

Keywords: Self Regulated Learning, Gaming Addiction, Mobile Legends

Abstrak. Mahasiswa memiliki tuntutan yaitu melaksanakan aktivitas-aktivitas kuliah dan mencapai tujuan kuliahnya. Tetapi terdapat mahasiswa yang dalam melaksanakan aktivitas kuliahnya aktif juga bermain game online, bahkan hingga menjadi adiksi. Hal tersebut mengharuskan mahasiswa memiliki strategi yang baik. Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi di Universitas X, memiliki strategi yang baik dalam melaksanakan serta mengerjakan tugas-tugas akademik, mampu mengevaluasi kinerja mereka yang telah dicapai. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana gambaran mengenai self regulated learning pada mahasiswa yang mengalami adiksi game online Mobile Legends di Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas X. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 48 orang. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner yang dikonstruksikan peneliti berdasarkan teori self regulated learning dari Zimmerman (1989). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas X yang memiliki self regulated learning yang tinggi sebanyak 41 orang dengan persentase sebesar 85,42%. Hal ini dapat diartikan bahwa mahasiswa di Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas X memiliki kemampuan untuk mengatur dirinya dalam menjalankan tuntutannya dalam berkuliah dan keinginannya untuk bermain game online Mobile legend, sehingga mampu menunjukkan prestasi akademik yang baik meskipun mereka juga tetap fokus bermain game online Mobile Legends.

Kata Kunci: Self Regulated Learning, Adiksi Game Online, Mobile Legends


Self Regulated Learning, Gaming Addiction, Mobile Legends

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