Technical And Budgeting Plan For Sand Mining Reclamation On Block 4 Area 3 Ha Widthat PT Bunkasarana Pratama Cibinong Hilir, Kecamatan Cilaku, Kabupaten Cianjur, West Java

Derry Hilmansyah, Linda Pulungan, Dudi Nasrudin Usman


PT. Bunkasarana Pratama is in Cibinong Village, District Cilaku, Cianjur,
West Java Province, A company in Indonesia is Engaged in Mining Commodities Non
Metal And Stone ( Sand ). On essentially mining activities can be changing the form of
the earth. To fix the appearance of the earth form or to switch the function of mining
land, So every company engaged in mining industries are required to do reclamation
the form of the earth and the damaged ecosystems by mining activities.
The Reclamations activities planned by PT. Bunkasarana Pratama it was
started with use planning land and to spread topsoil. This activity is done with using
mechanical tools. After the activities spreading top soil, then made drainage system. If
activity of use planning Land And making drainage system has been finished, then to
do the activities of calcification and revegetation some point. Liming activity is done to
improve the soil nutrient element before planted by a protector Plants or staple crops.
Reclamation activities at PT. Bunkasarana Pratama is divided into 5 Years,
every years, is expected to be finished in time period of 2-3 months. Reclamation
costs incurred by PT. Bunkasarana Pratama every year consists From 2 Components
that is direct cost (use planning land and to spread topsoil = ± Rp 458.000.000,- ,
made drainage system drainage = ± Rp 3.000.000,- , Liming activity = ± Rp.
4.200.000,- , revegetation And Treatment = ± Rp 6.000.000,-), and indirect costs
(mobilization and demobilization costs = ± Rp 60.000.000,- , the cost of the
reclamation plan = ± Rp 40.000.000,- supervision cost = ± Rp 30.000.000,-).


Sand mining, Reclamation, and Reclamation costs


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