Penentuan Laju Korosi dan Sisa Umur Pakai (Remaining Service Life / RSL) pada Pipa Minyak Jalur Trunkline SPU Kas - Tank Farm Tempino di PT Pertamina EP Asset 1 Field Jambi Kecamatan Kota Baru, Kota Jambi Provinsi Jambi

Rexsy Andika, Elfida Moralista, Dudi Nasrudin


Abstract: PT Pertamina EP Asset 1 Field Jambi is one of the areas of PT Pertamina EP which is engaged in petroleum exploration and production. The results of both activities are transported to the processing area using metal pipes. The main problem that occurs in metals is decrease usability due to corrosion. Corrosion is the damage or degradation of metal due to the electrochemical reaction between the metal and its surroundings. The environment can be fresh water, sea water, soil, air, river water, oil and natural gas. Supervision of this petroleum transport pipeline is done by calculating the corrosion rate on pipes and calculating (Remaining Service Life / RSL) and knowing the applied corrosion control. To calculate the rate of corrosion and (Remaining Service Life / RSL) required data of pipe material used and actual thickness of pipe measured using Smart Sensor Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge DM4 tool, actual thickness obtained ranged from 3.5 mm - 5.9 mm. The pipeline at PT Pertamina EP Asset 1 Field Jambi from KAS Primary Collector Station (SPU) to Tempino using API 5L Grade B material with 6 "pipe size, got the nominal thickness of 7.11 mm pipe based on Standard International American Society Mechanical Engineering (ASME). The type of corrosion that occurs in the trunkline oil pipeline transport SPU - Tank Farm Tempino along ± 23,000 meters is the uniform corrosion and corrosion of wells. Corrosion control which is applied is a coating method with type #1027 polyken liquid adhesive system and wrapping. The corrosion rate ranged from 0.048 - 0.144 mm / year which was included in the Good to Excellent category according to Corrosion Of MPY with Equivalent Metric table. Based on the corrosion rate, the remaining lifespan (Remaining Service Life / RSL) is obtained from 15 - 95 years.

Keywords: Corrosion Rate, Remaining Service Llife / RSL, Coating, Oil Pipeline Transport, Smart Sensor Wall Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge.


Sari: PT Pertamina EP Asset 1 Field Jambi merupakan salah satu wilayah area kerja PT Pertamina EP yang bergerak di bidang eksplorasi dan produksi minyak bumi. Hasil produksi minyak bumi ditransportasikan ke area pengolahan menggunakan pipa berbahan dasar logam. Permasalahan utama yang terjadi pada logam adalah menurunnya daya guna logam akibat terjadinya korosi. Korosi merupakan kerusakan atau degradasi logam akibat reaksi elektrokimia antara logam dengan lingkungan sekelilingnya. Lingkungan dapat berupa air tawar, air laut, tanah,udara, air sungai, minyak dan gas bumi. Pengawasan terhadap pipa transportasi minyak bumi ini dilakukan dengan menghitung laju korosi dan sisa umur pakai pipa (Remaining Service Life / RSL) serta mengetahui pengendalian korosi yang diaplikasikan. Untuk menghitung laju korosi dan  sisa umur pakai (Remaining Service Life / RSL) diperlukan data material pipa yang digunakan dan tebal aktual pipa yang diukur menggunakan alat Smart Sensor Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge DM4. Tebal aktual pipa  yang diperoleh berkisar antara 3,5 mm – 5,9 mm. Pipa di PT Pertamina EP Asset 1 Field Jambi dari Stasiun Pengumpul Utama (SPU) KAS menuju Tempino menggunakan material API 5L Grade B dengan ukuran pipa 6â€, didapatkan tebal nominal pipa yaitu 7,11 mm berdasarkan Standar International American Society Mechanical Engineering (ASME). Jenis korosi yang terjadi pada pipa jalur minyak transportasi Trunkline SPU - Tank Farm Tempino sepanjang ± 23.000 meter ialah korosi merata dan korosi sumuran. Pengendalian korosi yang diaplikasikan adalah metode coating dengan jenis coating polyken liquid adhesive system #1027 dan wrapping. Laju korosi berkisar antara 0,048 - 0,144 mm/tahun yang termasuk kategori Good hingga Excellent menurut tabel Corrosion Of MPY with Equivalent Metric. Berdasarkan laju korosi tersebut, maka diperoleh sisa umur pakai (Remaining Service Life/ RSL) pipa tersebut berkisar antara 15 - 95 tahun.

Kata Kunci: Laju Korosi , Remaining Service Llife, Pipa Transportasi Minyak, Smart Sensor Wall Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge DM 4


Laju Korosi , Remaining Service Llife, Pipa Transportasi Minyak, Smart Sensor Wall Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge DM 4

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