The Use of Drilling Method in Improving Results of Writing Sentences of the Holy Quran

Rini Nurfauziah, Erhamwilda Erhamwilda, Beni Suhendar


On the subject of Islamic Religious Education, in addition to the ability to read sentences of the Holy Quran, the ability to write sentences of the Holy Quran properly is necessary for any student of formal schools. However, many students do not have the knowledge to do that. Such situation is also experienced by third graders of the Primary School Melong Mandiri 4 of South Cimahi. It is marked by several things; one of which is the low ability of students in stringing hijaiyah alphabet into a sentence. Under these conditions, the research entitled “The Use of Drilling Method in Improving Results of Writing Sentences of the Holy Quran†(Classroom Action Research on the Subject of Islamic Religious Education in Class 3A of the State Primary School Melong Mandiri 4, South Cimahi District of Cimahi City). The purpose of this study is to (1) determine the condition of the student prior to their use of drilling method, (2) investigate the implementation of drilling method in improving student learning outcomes consisting of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection; and (3) determine learning outcomes of students after the use of drilling method on the material to write sentences of the Holy Quran. This research used descriptive method with qualitative approach by observing and improving student learning outcomes that occur in each cycle. The techniques were interviews, observation, testing, and documentation. Samples of this research are the 3A class containing 31 students. Based on the data processing, the results of research are (1) The condition of students prior to the use of drilling method to write sentences of the Holy Quran is low, evidenced by the average student scores on tests of early (pre-test) is 48 and the number of students who have understood this material only 3 students (9.6%) of 31 students are in the class; (2) the drilling method on the material is held on 3 cycle and refers to the RPP resulted in increased capacity and student learning outcomes in each cycle; (3) the results of student learning has increased from before their use of drilling method, evidenced by the average score of students at the end of the test (post-test) 84.5 and the number of students who have understood material reaching 28 students (90.3%) of the 31 students in one class.


Drilling Method; Writing Sentence of Quran



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