Comparison of Marketing Communications Sympathy and IM3 Ooredoo with Benchmarking Techniques

Wicky Edo Reynaldy, Udung Noorrosyad


Abstract. Competition in the mobile telecom business increasingly stringent, Indosat as the first GSM cellular service provider in Indonesia has IM3 Ooredoo as a superior product, but in terms of number of users, the current IM3 Ooredoo lose much with Simpati from Telkomsel. To draw attention to, and increase the number of users, IndosatOoredoo have to do with effective marketing communications. This study aimed to evaluate for Indosat Ooredoo marketing communication that has been done, then the results of the evaluation will be compared with marketing communications conducted by Telkomsel. Based on the comparison data, it will be created draft IndosatOoredoo marketing communications strategy. Used in this research that is qualitative non-interactive, with the approach of historical analysis. Then, in the processing of the data, the authors use benchmarking techniques so that the data obtained would produce drafts of Indosat marketing communications strategy. From the results, it can be seen that IndosatOoredoo put some promotional tool in the less strategic place. This can reduce the effectiveness of the advertising is done. It is better if IndosatOoredoo do a survey first before choosing a place to advertise. While in terms of events and experience, IndosatOoredoo must dare to increase the frequency of events so as to maximize its potential. In the event Indosat can do eight elements marketing communication, very unfortunate if IndosatOoredoocan not maximize them.


Marketing Communications, IM3 Ooredoo, Simpati, Benchmarking.


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