Communication Strategies Communication and Relations Division in developing Brand Image PT. Pertamina RU VI Balongan Indramayu.

Ninda Oktaviani, Ike Junita T


Thesedays, the competition between energy-sector corporations is getting more strict. This is evident from the existence of various companies that manages energy. By looking at the strict competition, PT. Pertamina RU ( Refinery Unit ) VI Balongan Indramayu which is one of the pioneering companies became Indonesia’s first and largest refinery in Indonesia.In this research, the author utilized qualitative research method complemented with case study approach. The purpose of this research is to analyze as many data as possible regarding the subject of this research, which is The Communication Strategies by Communication and Relations Divison of PT. Pertamina RU VI Balongan Indramayu on development of Company Brand Image. In this research, the author conducted interviews with representatives from the company, including the Head of Communications and Relations of PT. Pertamina RU ( Refinery Unit VI.The result of this research is that PT. Pertamna RU ( Refinery Unit VI Balongan Indramayu had four process of communicatos in developing the brand image for the company itself. The programs accomplished by the Communications and Relations Division of the company are mostly CSR activities which directly targeted local community and stakeholders. The second process is the target and audience which specifically is the people resides in Indramayu and also stakeholders from Indramayu and other areas. The third process is the utilization of the media. The media utilized by . Pertamina RU VI Balongan Indramayu is adapted to the currently existing stakeholders, at the moment above the line media still indeed has the largest number of audience.


Strategic Communication, Brand Image, Communication and Relations


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