Excellent Service On Customer Service at Bank Jabar Banten

Gilang Iqbal Pratama, Nurhastuti Nurhastuti


Bank Jabar Banten (BJB) is a government-owned public bank in western Java and Banten region that has customers from various layers of individuals, workers, cooperatives, government-owned enterprises and other private entities. This paper entitled "Excellent Service On Customer Service at Bank Jabar Banten". Writing this paper describes the opinions or responses given to the customers of services provided by Customer Service of Bank Jabar Banten Branch Tamansari Bandung, as a person who helps serve the desires and needs of the customers. Excellent service provided by Customer Service of Bank Jabar Banten Branch Tamansari Bandung because of its concern to customers as one tool to provide maximum satisfaction to the customers. It makes the author interested to examine the excellent service at Customer Service of Bank Jabar Banten Branch Tamansari Bandung is because of its existence as one of the leading conventional bank with a variety of products on offer for its customers. In the midst of such a tough competition BJB can still maintain its existence. The identification of the factors used as a reference for the author to examine the excellent service is Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy, Tangibles. The author uses descriptive method of research methods that seek information about a situation or event, to then described or explained and combined so that it can be drawn a conclusion in the study. Data collection through questionnaires to customers, interviews, observation and literature study. While the technique used with Probability Sampling is Simple Random Sampling which is a sampling technique where all individuals in the population, either individually or in groups are given the same opportunity to be elected as members of the sample. Simple Random Sampling is also given a random sampling term or random sampling without being picky and based on mathematical principles that have been tested in practice. Because it is seen as the best sampling technique in a study. In the author's study, samples taken as many as 100 people to strengthen the results of the study. Based on the results of research that has been done, the authors obtain a description of the services provided Customer Service Bank Jabar Banten Branch Tamansari Bandung pertained good in almost all aspects of excellent service. This is because the service provided by the Customer Service of BJB, approaching as expected by the customers. In addition, there are still some services that need to be reviewed such as the promise offered and the alertness of some customer service that still needs to be improved again in order to satisfy the customers. The company should review all aspects of service at Bank Jabar Banten, especially in BJB Branch Tamansari Bandung.


Customer Service, Excellent Service, Conventional Bank.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.7433

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