Strategi Branding Melalui Event

Rizqi Khoirunnisa, Dede Lilis Ch.


The study entitled Branding Strategy throug Event (Descriptive Study of Branding Strategy of PT Mizan Pustaka Through Event). The study was conducted to determine the branding strategy of PT Mizan Pustaka in increasing sales. Brand is a differentiator from a competitor's products or services that has its own value in the eyes of costumers and sellers. Brand has an important role in a branding strategy. Activities aimed in regulating or managing elements of the brand is called branding strategy. Branding strategy created through careful planning, concepts, and creative ideas that are not owned by other business competitors. Branding strategy will determine the extent to which the product is known by the market which is very influential in increasing sales of a company. Event is used as one of branding strategy by the company. The company conducts event activities as a promotion strategy and to convey the information to the costumers. The research method in this study is qualitative descriptive method. Data collected through the results of interviews, documents and data of activities from Marketing Communication PT Mizan Pustaka. From the research that has been done by the researcher, the role of event in branding strategy is to increase sales profit. And by doing activities of direct observation conducted by PT. Mizan Pustaka. Based on the research results can be seen that, branding strategy through the event conducted by PT. Mizan Pustaka in forming brand positioning by generating event in scale national and massive level, assisted by enliven all social media like in twitter, facebook. The role of the event in building brand identity, the event is held in accordance with the various core values and spirit of PT. Mizan Pustaka. Brand personality already exists in every Mizan event, society can sees that the event held by PT. Mizan Pustaka must have been guaranteed and have imagined it must be interesting event because it has SOP (Standard Operational Procedure) event. This is supported by the content of the event, and the atmosphere built during the event.


Branding Strategy, Event, Brand


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