Word of Mouth Communication Relationship Through Internet with Purchase Interest on Brodo Product

Elsabella Rizky Berliane, Udung Noor Rosyad


One of the action that can be done by company is using word of mouth communication for promoting its product. Word of mouth communication is one important element in promoting for expanding purchase interest on a product, since word of mouth communication is a promotion tool that trusted for giving effective result. In the process of sharing information through word of mouth communication it could persuade consumer, since it based on trusted source, thus, it gives an interest in purchasing. This research entitled Word of Mouth Communication Relationship Through Internet with Purchase Interest on Brodo Product. The formulation of problem in this research was “is there connection between word of mouth communication through internet with purchase interest on Brodo product?†This research aims for identify the connection between talkers, topics, and tools through Internet with purchase interest on Brodo product. Theory that used for this research was integration information by Martin Fishbein. Research method that used for this research was correlational, which connect betweentwo variables. Population and sample that used for this research was taken from active followers that giving comments on @bro.do Instagram since January to May 2017. By using the correlation sample size, writer gained 85 respondents. Sampling technique that used for this research wassimple random sampling. For calculation of coefficient correlation, formulation Rank Spearman was used. The result obtained with coefficient correlation value rs=0,662. As a result of the research, there was a strong connection between word of mouth communication through Internet with purchase interest on Brodo product.


Word of Mouth communication, Purchase Interest.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.7306

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