Consumer Behavior In The Buying Physical Record

Ryan Fauzi, Dede Lilis


Consumer behavior some several factors that controlling his body be considered important by a company because daily necessities an enterprise dependent to the consumer, especially in the behavior of consumers made the purchase. Music industry nowadays much different from the last decade. Along with the change of way hearer in enjoy the music, of format physical to digital, and this make a sale physical record decreased significant. In several big cities in indonesia, the music and music label and distribution store a moving back campaigning on culture released and bought physical record favored. It is marked with growing springing the labels, the limiting indie available to help musicians to a release and distribute physical record one of these is the indie label FFWD record. The purpose of this research to know how the consumers in the buying physical record products FFWD record in the greater bandung. In this research writer uses the method quantitative descriptive with the approach. Sampling techniques used techniques of sampling nonprobability namely accidental of sampling by the number of as many as 85 were selected and data analysis technique that is used is descriptive of statistical analysis The result of this research showed that consumer behavior in the buying physical record are strong, it means behavior consumers have leverage in the buying physical record products ffwd record in the greater bandung


Consumer Behaviour, Physical Record, FFWD Record.


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