Studi Komparasi Penggunaan dan Kepuasaan Media Sosial Antara Gen-X dan Gen-Z

Syahiedah Al-Haqq Qomaruddin, Dede Lilis Ch.


Today’s society cannot be separated from the development of technology, integrated within a communication medium called new media. One of them is social media, which can provide a convenience social interaction for its users without space and time limited. The use of social media is motivated by many factors. Age becomes one of the influential factors for the users to use a social media. As happened in X-Generation and Z-Generation. In every generation have beliefs, values, cultures, perspectives, occupations, and different abilities. This is in line with the Uses and Gratification theory by Katz, Blumler, and Gurevitch (1974). This study aimed to get the description of the differences uses of social media on the X- generation and Z-generation in SMPN 13 Bandung and SMPN 44 Bandung. This study used a quantitative method with comparative descriptive approach. The population in this study were 86 teachers and 799 students from both schools, used the disproportional stratified sampling technique, there were 60 people, 30 students and 30 teachers. The result of the research shows that there is a difference motive of social media usage between X-Generation and Z-Generation. The highest motive in Z-Generation is diversion meanwhile in X-Generation is cognitive. The duration of social media usage on Z-Generation is longer than X-Generation in various motives. There is no significant differences in the satisfaction of the two generations of social media users.


X Generation, Z Generation, Social Media, Uses and Gratification.


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Statistik Pengguna Internet dan Media Sosial di Indonesia. 16 Februari 2016. [Akses 23 Oktober 2016, 11:34]


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