Respondent Reactions In Fulfillment Of Information Needs On Persib Through Persib Online Media

Candra Septamba Suhenri, O. Hasbiansyah


Viking or bobotoh can easily get some information about Persib, because nowadays lots of media gives information about Persib and all of those media is on the race being a number one media that gives bobotoh a great news about Persib. But not all of media gives a truly information about Persib. But its surely different for Persib official media, as an official online media, its always gives bobotoh a truly information about Persib. And its hope can fulfill an information needs of bobotoh. The purpose of this research is to understand how is bobotoh’s perception about message content, the intensity of media usage, and relation between bobotoh and media. This research using descriptive metod, and as for the population of this research is bobotoh who using Persib online media as their information needs. The sample for this research is 100 people and using a snowball sampling technique. In collect research data, researcher do a questionnaire survey, literature study, and internet to get some information that relate to this research. Overall the results showed that the content of Persib online media messages is good, the intensity of media use including high category and relation between bobotoh and media is good in fulfill the information needs about Persib for bobotoh.


Perseption, Online Media, Persib


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