Relationship between Interpersonal Communication with Performance of Transmania Member Bandung in Transmania Broadcast Session 2017 Program

Iiq Siti Rofiqoh, O. Hasbianyah


The background of this research problem based on observation on one of Transmania Bandung program is Transmania Broadcast Session. Transmania Broadcast Session has been held twice, first in June 2016 in UNIKOM and April 2017 at UNISBA. However, in Transmania Broadcast Session two there is a decrease in work performance compared to Transmania Broadcast Session one, this is expected due to changes in organizational structure, so interpersonal communication among members also changed and resulted in frequent misunderstandings between members that caused many conflicts and finally the implementation of the work program is not Maximum da experience decreased. This study aims to determine the relationship of interpersonal communication with the performance of members in Transmania Bandung community in Transmania Broadcast Session 2017 Program. This type of research is correlational. Population in this research is all member of committee in Program Transmania Broadcast Session 2017 which amounted to 44 people so that sample number 44 people also taken with saturated sampling technique. Data collection of interpersonal communication variables using questionnaires compiled based on Likert Scale that has been tested for its validity and reliability. The results showed that: 1) Interpersonal communication in Transmania Bandung community in Transmania Broadcast Session 2017 program is categorized high (97.73%). 2) Permanent members in the Transmania Bandung community in the Transmania Broadcast Session 2017 program are categorized as high (63.54%). 3) The test results Corelation Spearman Rank shows the value of 0.521 with a significance level of 5%. This means that there is a positive and significant relationship between interpersonal communication and member performance.


Interpersonal Communication, Member Performance.


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