Communication Planning PT. Dirgantara Indonesia in Product Marketing N219

Mahar Qoonitah Nasution, Rini Rinawati


Indonesia currently needs a multi-purpose aircraft that can be operated to remote areas, from this issue PT. Dirgantara Indonesia released the N219 aircraf which was intended to be a multi-use aircraft. To market an airplane is not as easy as marketing other products. To market a plane the company have to go through good communication planning. The purpose of this research conducted by the reasercher is to know the process of communication planning done by PT. Dirgantara Indonesia to market "N219", to know the steps PT. Dirgantara Indonesia takes in order to market "N219", and to know the reason why they use the strategy made by PT. Dirgantara Indonesia to market "N219". The method chosen for this research on communication planning is qualitative methods. This type of research is more emphasized to explore the meaning stored in a social phenomenon. That way, this type of research can provide a profound result because the data obtained is open. The strategy used in this study is a case study because this phenomenon occurs within a certain time limit and the researcher emphasizes the process. The study itself uses qualitative methodology because the plan in marketing local aircraft products in Indonesia is not widely known yet.


communication planning, communication strategy, and marketing.


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