The Advertisement of Local Products Bandung Juara in LED Billboard and Bandung Teen’s Buying Interests

Rizki prasetya, Aneu Maryani


Advertising is the commercial and nonperson communication about an organization and its products. The Advertisement of are transmitted to the target through the mass media such as television, radio, outdoor billboards, or public transport. This research is directed toward The Advertisement of Bandung Juara of the government of Bandung. The ad is aimed at improving the welfare of the people of Bandung by taking and influence the society in order to familiarize buying local. Bandung City government has created the ad of Bandung Juara by using LED Billboard. The results showed that the Advertisement of Bandung Juara has a relationship with the buying interest. However, the coefficient of relationship is very low. Therefore, there are aspects in addition to ads that have a stronger relationship with the buying interest.


The Advertisement of Bandung Juara, buying interest, local products, LED Billboard


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