Analysis of the Content of Movie Soul Surfer

Dea Fitri Oktora, Anne Ratnasari


A movie is a work of art that is both visual and audio-visual media to convey messages through mass communication. This paper analyzes the scenes in this movie uses the Three Needs Theory David McClelland. This study aims to see how the movie Soul surfer can provide motivation or reference to the audience and the people, through the scenes to motivate themselves and others. The method used is descriptive method with content analysis approach in terms of Motivation Theory Three Needs David McClelland. Consisting of three constructs, namely, Need for Achievement, Need for Power with, and Need for Affiliation. The object of this study focused on scenes that show scenes with the three constructs theories of motivation, namely, Need for Achievement, Need for Power, and Need for Affiliation. The results of the study can be used as a reference and source of inspiration for many people in running their daily lives. Based on the results of data processing, it can be concluded that the charge to which categories of Need for Achievement, Need for Power, and Need for Affiliation, in the movie Soul surfer is comparatively much. Thus, if it is seen by the number of representative scene with the Three Needs theory put forward by David McClelland, delivering a message regarding the importance of motivation is considered quite a lot in the movie Soul surfer. The writer involves three coding makers, Zulfebriges, Dharma Tio Satyarangga, and Dea Fitri Oktora. They are students majoring in Communication Management who are also researchers.


Film, Surfing, Descriptive, Motivation Theory of David McClelland


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