Strategi Hits Unikom Radio Bandung dalam Menarik Perhatian Khalayak Pendengar

Ridha Trie Atika, Dede Lilis Chaerowati



Abstract. This study discusses about how Hits Unikom Radio 103.9 FM apply the concept of segmentation, targeting and positioning to attract the attention of listeners and advertisers. This research is a quantitatif descriptive and also using case study approach, with an interview, observation, and documents study technique.Subjects in this study are some of the main speakers and resource persons who have the capability of supporting and relevance to the cases discussed in this study.Results and discussion in this study found that the application of the concept of segmentation, targeting and positioning, the first phase of which was managing the Hits Unikom Radio 103.9 FM is classifying consumers into certain segments, then choose the main targets of those segments and then communicate the value, so that occupies a certain position in the mind of consumers by using the existing attributes in their activities


Keywords: Descriptive Study, Marketing Concept, Hits Unikom Radio 103,9 FM



Studi Deskriptif, Konsep Pemasaran, Hits Unikom Radio 103,9 FM

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