Brand Activation of Inilah Koran in Introducing the Brand

Rizki Febiastri Putri, Dede Lilis Ch


Brand activation is one way to get closer to the targeted company with a reminder of its existence and the products are marketed, so that the target audience interested and loyal to the company's products. Brand activation can be done in various ways ranging from environmental campaign, working together to sponsor the event - the event that there is, open a booth at education exhibition to exhibition organized by the government, and many other ways brand activation. Brand activation is often done by the company Inilah Koran is to campaign related to the environment. One of them through the event “Tanda Cinta Untuk Warga†(literally: Signs of Love for Citizens). The purpose of this study was to determine the process of the implementation of brand activation of Inilah Koran through the event; This is the way newspapers teamwork in the realization of the event, and the form of the involvement of potential customers in the event. The method used by the author of quantitative descriptive study with qualitative data. Based on the above results that the Event "Signs of Love For Residents" involving all the employees Inilah Koran, sponsors, and potential consumers. The implementation process starts from before the implementation of the activities during the activity and after implementation. How teamwork by building a family atmosphere in the team, making the team coordination meetings on a regular basis, conduct outbound or gathering, etc. The involvement of consumers in the event will be followed by the good waste management campaign, planting tree seedlings in polybag, and movement or action of garbage collection.


Brand Activation, the Event “Tanda Cinta Untuk Warga”, Inilah Koran


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