Hery Hery


The purpose of this study is to find out how to create image in Sukajadi Yogya Supermarket, how image can influence consumer’s  purchasing decision at Sukajadi Yogya Supermarket Bandung. to find consumer responses about the store image at Sukajadi Yogya Supermarket Bandung and to know the consumer purchasing decisions Yogya Sukajadi Bandung. The research method used is the survey method. The type of research conducted is verification. The sampling technique used is non-probality sampling. The sample in this research is 100 respondents who had bought shopping for products in Yogya Sukajadi Bandung. Data collection technique used are quistionnaires. Data analysis method used  is Simple Linear Regression Analysis to know the direction of relationship between independent variable with  the dependent variable how image can influence consumer’s  purchasing decision at Sukajadi Yogya Supermarket BandungYogya Supermarket Sukajadi efforts in building the store  image of a storemarket can be quite good. The consumer’s response to the store image of the storemarket at Sukajadi Yogya Supermarket is quite good. The consumer’s responses to purchasing decisions in Sukajadi Yogya Supermarket is quite good. The results of this study indicate the influence between the store image of purchasing decisions in Sukajadi Yogya Supermarket.


Store Image, Purchasing Decision

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