Optimalisasi Penjadwalan Proyek Konstruksi Berdasarkan Metode Critical Path Method (CPM) dan Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)

Esti Andriani, Aviasti Aviasti, Djamaluddin Djamaluddin


Abstract. Projects consist of various work activities that are interrelated between activities. Scheduling is one of the stages of project planning, because good scheduling is expected in every project implementation, so that the project does not experience obstacles that can come from humans, machines, methods, environment and money. Critical Path Method (CPM) and Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) Methods as project scheduling methods. By using PERT and CPM, it is possible to know the time needed to complete the project and to find out which activities fall into the critical path. Acceleration of project activity time has an effect on project costs. The project at PT. X has a duration of 90 days at a cost of 2.131.995.000 IDR. The results of applying the CPM method obtained 34 critical activities. The duration acceleration is carried out in several critical activities with the results of the acceleration of 1 hour of work obtained for 89 days at a cost of IDR and an acceleration of the duration of 2 hours of work obtained for 86 days at a cost of 2.226.890.000 IDR. The cost slope is obtained from a comparison of normal and accelerated time of 1 and 2 hours (overtime) with the results of 21.310.000 IDR and 26.637.500 IDR. The results of applying the PERT method were obtained 92 days. This the acceleration of the project will have an impact on the increase in project costs. So project implementation can be anticipated by making a more mature work plan in terms of people, methods, machines, environment, and money.

Keywords: Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), Critical Path Method (CPM), Project.

Abstrak. Proyek terdiri dari berbagai aktivitas pekerjaan yang saling berkaitan antar aktivitas. Penjadwalan ialah salah satu tahap perencanaan proyek, karena penjadwalan yang bagus diharapkan dalam setiap pelaksanaan proyek, agar proyek tidak mengalami kendala yang bisa datang dari manusia, mesin, metode, lingkungan dan uang. Critical Path Method (CPM) dan Metode Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) sebagai metode penjadwalan proyek. Dengan menggunakan PERT dan CPM, dapat diketahui waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan proyek dan dapat diketahui kegiatan yang masuk ke dalam jalur kritis. Percepatan waktu kegiatan proyek berpengaruh pada biaya proyek. Proyek pada PT. X berdurasi selama 90 hari dengan biaya Rp. 2.131.995.000. Hasil penerapan metode CPM diperoleh 34 kegiatan kritis. Percepatan durasi dilakukan pada beberapa kegiatan kritis dengan hasil percepatan 1 jam kerja diperoleh selama 89 hari dengan biaya sebesar Rp. serta percepatan durasi 2 jam kerja diperoleh selama 86 hari dengan biaya Rp. 2.226.890.000. Slope biaya didapatkan dari perbandingan waktu normal dan dipercepat 1 dan 2 jam (lembur) dengan hasil Rp. 21.310.000 dan Rp. 26.637.500. Hasil penerapan metode PERT diperoleh 92 hari. Dengan demikian percepatan proyek akan berdampak pada kenaikan biaya proyek. Maka pelaksanaan proyek dapat diantisipasi dengan membuat perencanaan kerja yang lebih matang dalam hubungannya dengan manusia, metode, mesin, lingkungan, dan uang.

Kata Kunci: Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), Critical Path Method (CPM), Proyek.


Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), Critical Path Method (CPM), Proyek.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/ti.v0i0.29902

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