Kegiatan CSR PT Indocement Tunggal Prakasa Tbk bagi Pengrajin Batik Tulis di Desa Ciwaringin Cirebon
The presence of companies doesn’t always bring negative effects, PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakasa Tbk.  gives positive contribution to its surrounding environment proven with the Corporate Social Responsibility activities which is a form of the company’s respomsibility for social life and environmental issues around the company itself. The purpose of this research is to discover external relations activities done by PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakasa Tbk. with the purpose to build good relations with all participated stakeholders to achieve mutual prosperity. The Method utilized in this research is qualitative research method complemented with case studying approach. The purpose of this research is to analyze as many data as possible regarding the examined subject which is the external relations activities done by PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakasa Tbk and Batik Tulis at Desa Ciwaringin. The conclusion of this research is the reason of PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakasa Tbk to choose Desa Ciwaringin, Cirebon as the designated location for Corporate Social Responsibility activities is because the local village residents had their history and potency in handmade batik which existed since long time ago. Positive corporate brand image is one of the perceived impact by PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakasa Tbk as a result of the company’s successful effort to help develop the local village resident’s economy activities in Desa Waringin, Cirebon.As an addition, as a result of the Corporate Social Responsibility activities PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakasa Tbk received Golden PROPER award which helped increased the company’s brand image in the community. The Corporate Social Responsibility activities for the village residents of Desa Ciwaringin done with several stages; surveys, data collection, FGD, training, monitoring and evaluation. Most of the mentioned stages involved the village resident’s participation which is a signature of the persuasive  type of corporate social responsibility activities done by PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakasa Tbk.  The obstacle encountered by  PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakasa Tbk in its Corporate Social Responsibility activities is a socil conflict ensues amid handmade batik’s craftmen in Desa Ciwaringin, Cirebon. This obstacle is solved with developing communication to the craftmen by PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakasa Tbk by underlining the important role of  cooperative as a medium that capable to accommodate the craftmen’s needs in the handmade batik industries. The communication is realized in the form of routine meetings.The presence of companies doesn’t always bring negative effects, PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakasa Tbk.  gives positive contribution to its surrounding environment proven with the Corporate Social Responsibility activities which is a form of the company’s respomsibility for social life and environmental issues around the company itself. The purpose of this research is to discover external relations activities done by PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakasa Tbk. with the purpose to build good relations with all participated stakeholders to achieve mutual prosperity. The Method utilized in this research is qualitative research method complemented with case studying approach. The purpose of this research is to analyze as many data as possible regarding the examined subject which is the external relations activities done by PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakasa Tbk and Batik Tulis at Desa Ciwaringin. The conclusion of this research is the reason of PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakasa Tbk to choose Desa Ciwaringin, Cirebon as the designated location for Corporate Social Responsibility activities is because the local village residents had their history and potency in handmade batik which existed since long time ago. Positive corporate brand image is one of the perceived impact by PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakasa Tbk as a result of the company’s successful effort to help develop the local village resident’s economy activities in Desa Waringin, Cirebon.As an addition, as a result of the Corporate Social Responsibility activities PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakasa Tbk received Golden PROPER award which helped increased the company’s brand image in the community. The Corporate Social Responsibility activities for the village residents of Desa Ciwaringin done with several stages; surveys, data collection, FGD, training, monitoring and evaluation. Most of the mentioned stages involved the village resident’s participation which is a signature of the persuasive  type of corporate social responsibility activities done by PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakasa Tbk.  The obstacle encountered by  PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakasa Tbk in its Corporate Social Responsibility activities is a socil conflict ensues amid handmade batik’s craftmen in Desa Ciwaringin, Cirebon. This obstacle is solved with developing communication to the craftmen by PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakasa Tbk by underlining the important role of  cooperative as a medium that capable to accommodate the craftmen’s needs in the handmade batik industries. The communication is realized in the form of routine meetings.
CSR, Eksternal Relations, Brand Image, Public Relations dan PT Indocement Tunggal Prakasa Tbk
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