Konstruksi Romantisme Pada Film Dilan 1990

Annura Biometa, Nova Yuliati


Abstract. Film is part of mass communication that connects the communicator with the communicant in it, because in the film there are scenes and dialogue or conversation. Films can produce an effect on audiences in the form of messages conveyed. Films can also express meaning through signs. Dilan 1990 film is a family film by presenting the romantic side in it. The purpose of this research is to find out the meaning of romanticism in the form of icons, indexs and symbols in the film Dilan 1990. The method used in this research is qualitative with the study of Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotic analysis, which is a study of signs. Data collection techniques used were observation, analysis, identifying parts of the story, and grouping data according to the focus of the study. The results of this study are, the icon is a visual sign of a scene that is considered to have a romantic side in the form of letter envelopes, clothing, shooting techniques, public transportation, schools, classrooms, black and white plastic, coin public phones, streets, Dilan's eyes, and setting in the school hallway. An index is a message delivered in a film, in the form of a behavioral indices index, an index of expression markers, an index of social markers, an index of gift markers. The symbol or symbol is a truth in the form of sign, letter envelope symbol, novel symbol, hope symbol, coin telephone symbol, symbol of shaking hands, symbol of interest, symbol of concern, symbol of sacrifice, and symbol of disappointment


Key word :  Semiotics of Charles Sanders Peirce, Dilan 1990, Romanticism


Semiotika Charles Sanders Peirce, Dilan 1990, Romantisme

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v6i2.24722

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