Manajemen Event Sebagai Praktek PR dalam Membangun Citra Perusahaan

Viny Kencana Putri, Dadan Mulyana


Abstract—This research discusses Event Management as a PR Practice in Building a Corporate Image. The purpose of this research is to find out the background of the reason for the holding of the event program activity day by PT. Telkom Regional III West Java in building a corporate image, to know the event management in the implementation of an intership day event as a way of PR in building a corporate image, to find out the results of the activities of an intership day event in building a corporate image among the participants. The method used by researchers is to use qualitative research methods with a case study approach, then the Key Informants in this study are first addressed to the supervisor of the Event Intership Day activity program which is routinely held every month by PT. Telkom Regional III West Java towards apprentices who are carrying out internships in the company, then the second is directed to an intern student from PT.Telkom Regional III Public Relations division who has become the committee for the implementation of activities and the third informant is aimed at the participants of the activity event which are internship students from all Telkom Bandung branch companies. Data collection techniques in this study, researchers used interview, observation, documentation and literature study methods.

Keywords— Manajamen Even, Corporate Image


Manajamen Event, Citra Perusahaan

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