Strategi Marketing Public Relations Rumah Sakit Kartika Cibadak Sukabumi

Wardah Farida Abdullah, Maman Chatamallah


Abstract.This research is entitled "Public Relations Marketing Strategy Kartika Cibadak Hospital" The role of the Public Relations Marketing strategy in promoting hospitals is needed, where hospitals must be able to promote both through the media, the internet, or directly. Health Promotion is a process to empower the community through informing activities influencing and helping the community to play an active role in supporting behavioral and environmental changes as well as maintaining and improving health towards optimal health status. According to the regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia number 44 of 2018 regarding the implementation of PKRS Management hospital health promotion includes: a. assessment; b. planning; c. implementation; and D. monitoring and evaluation. With that taken from public relations marketing it will use push, pull and pass strategies. The public relations marketing strategy using push, pull and pass strategies can be various ways depending on the target and the object of the intended target. The target addressed by the PKRS program or hospital health promotion is to patients from the hospital. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data collection methods used in this study were interviews, observation and literature study. The results of this study are: 1) the communication process in developing promotions 2) the reason hospitals use the PKRS program for their promotional media 3) Obstacles in carrying out marketing public relations strategies in the PKRS program.


Keywords: Marketing Public Relations, PKRS, Strategy.


Marketing Public Relations, PKRS, Strategi.

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