Hubungan antara Menonton Indonesian Idol dengan Sikap Mahasiswa Unit Kegiatan Paduan Suara Mahasiswa (PSM)

Muhamad Rozak, Nurrahmawati Nurrahmawat


Abstract— The Indonesian Idol Spectacular Show program in Season 10 year 2020, which is considered to educate many people about singing techniques. Besides being an entertainment program, this show is also very useful for a solo singer or someone who becomes a lead vocal in the Student Choir by applying vocal techniques after watching Indonesian Idol. This program is considered to be able to give a new color in singing, such as breathing techniques, improvisation, micing, and nonverbal singing languages such as appreciation and gestures when singing. Therefore this study regarding the relationship between watching Indonesian Idol with the attitude of the Student Choir Activities Unit (PSM). This study is to determine the relationship between attention watching Indonesian Idol with cognitive attitudes of students who participate in the Choir unit, while the other aspects studied are attention with affective attitude, attention with conative attitude, frequency with cognitive attitude, frequency with affective attitude, frequency with attitude conative, and also duration with cognitive attitude, duration with affective attitude, duration with conative attitude. In this study using S-O-R theory and also the theory of watching intensity and attitude theory as indicators of research on each variable. This research uses a quantitative method of collaborative approach. Research were collected through questionnaires, observations, bibliography, and interviews, which then analyzed the data using a statistical test with SPSS 23 applications. Questionnaire Spread in accordance with Sample 106 Respondents were taken with probability sampling techniques. The Validity Test uses the Spearman Rank for the ordinal scale and the Reproducibility and Scalability Coefficient coefficients are used for testing on the Guttman scale and the Reliability Test used is Croanbach's Alpha. The results of this study have a significant and strong relationship between watching Indonesian Idol shows with the Choir Student Positive Attitude Unit (PSM).

Keywords—Intensity, Watch Indonesian Idol, Singing, Attitude, Choir Student (PSM), Lead Vocal



Intensitas, Tayangan Indonesia Idol, Bernyanyi, Sikap, Paduan Suara Mahasiswa (PSM), Lead Vocal

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