Hubungan Figur Kepemimpinan Ahok dengan Sikap Komunitas Tionghoa

Muhammad Pradana Pradana, Neni Yulianita


This thesis, entitled Relationship of Ahok Leadership Figures With Attitude Tionghoa Community (Study correlations of Vihara Vimala Dharma in Bandung). The purpose of this research is to know is there any relation between Ahok leadership figures to public attitudes, especially people who have the same cultural backgrounds and the same tribe, the community of Tionghoa in Vihara Vimala Dharma is the place of this research. This study is a quantitative method with a correlation approach as guidelines in doing so. By using simple random sampling technique to produce 39 samples of 310 population. By using the model of hypodermic needles the authors will examine the relationship of leadership figures Ahok through three indicators: credibility, attractiveness and authority. Ahok leadership figures pose a great relationship on public attitudes in the community tionghoa Vihara Vimala Dharma Bandung. Attitude it self is of a general nature which includes the effects of cognitive, affective and behavioral effects. After doing research, it was found that the conclusions; The relationship between the variables leadership figures of Ahok to variable tionghoa community attitudes are at significant correlation in which it can be concluded that it is the leadership figure Ahok sufficiently related to the Tionghoa community attitude, which appears to be a general attitude includes the effects of cognitive, affective effects, and behavioral effects which generally positive attitude or pro against Ahok figure emerged as seen from the figure of leadership, and this also applies to the reverse wherein when figure Ahok leadership is considered less it will affect the attitude of the community tionhoa the decline itself. Researchers also found a link between the two variables variable leadership figures Ahok and attitudes, is variable Perceptions, is also supported by theoretical models referenced by the researchers to carry out this study. Ahok figure is a figure that has good leadership figure to be a leader.


Leadership figures, Attitudes, and Perceptions.


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