Hubungan Tayangan Nature Life dengan Minat Penonton untuk Menanam Tanaman Herbal

Ayesha Nindita Taheera, Ani Yuningsih


Television is the most popular mass media channel since it has superiority to presents moving pictures and sound at the same time. Television is often used by public as main source of information. One of television programs that give information to its public is Nature Life program in Trans TV that present information about many kinds of herbal plants and how to use it to heal lot of human diseases. Based on the description above, the author feels intrigued to make a research about “The Correlation of Watching Nature Life Program with Audience’ desire to Plant Herbal Plantsâ€. The purpose of this research is to know how strong is correlation between watching Nature Life program with desire of Bandung Berkebun member to plant herbal plant. The object of this research is member of Bandung Berkebun, a community consists of people that like to farm and have interest to know about many kind of plants. Correlation method is applied in this research, along with AIDDA and Agenda Setting theory. The conclusion of this research, there is strong correlation between intensity of watching Nature Life program with audience’s desire to plant herbal plant. There is moderate correlation between attractiveness of Nature Life program’s host with audience’s desire to plant herbal plant. There is strong correlation between contentof Nature Life program with audience’s desire to plant herbal plant. The conclusion of this research, there is a correlation between Nature Life Program with audience’s desire to plant herbal plant.


Nature Life program, desire, herbal plant, Bandung Berkebun


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