Strategi Komunikasi PT. Len Industri (Persero) dalam Program Kemitraan sebagai Upaya Pengembangan UKM

Anis Yunita, Muhammad E Fuady


Economic development certainly gave the big changes against a country as developed countries. A country increasingly have progress, the more educated people and also a lot of people who are unemployed. It is therefore very important to build a populist economy leads to entrepreneurship. The more entrepreneurial economy that comes from small businesses. In accordance with the decision of the Minister of Finance of Indonesia number: 60/KMK. 016/1996: every STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISE is obliged to carry out the program of partnership with small businesses, namely in the form of loans or grants-shaped distribution, and implement community development program to small businesses especially around the area of operations of the company. in conducting the activities of the Partnership Program course through several stages in the communication strategy. For that this research was conducted to see how the communication strategy of PT. Len industries (Persero) in the Partnership Program as the SME development efforts. This research used the qualitative method with approach case studies. As for the data collection was conducted through interviews with four men kêu informants i.e. to Corporate Communications Manager, Coordinator and two assisted SMEs PKBL PT. Len. Then make an observation with regard to research and study library by making use of a number of books or other materials related to communication sciences and the science of Public Relations. Based on research conducted, we can conclude that existing partnership is not only lend of it but social but the implementation in the shape of this economics .In staregi communication existing partnership, a structured whole in and have stalked levels in accordance with good and effective, so what become the destination of short-term as well as a long period of existing partnership PT.Len run well and smoothly as an effort to the development of sme.


Communication Strategy, PT. Len (Persero), Industry Partnership Program, SMES.


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