The Analysis of Marketing Strategy According to Philip Kotler and Muhammad Shakir Sula on Product Differentiation of Superqurban of Rumah Zakat (RZ) Branch Turangga Bandung

Ikmal Fathul bari, Roji Iskandar, Eva Fauziyah


Rumah Zakat Indonesia (RZI) as amil zakat institutions nationwide move to optimize the zakat, infaq, sadaqah and other humanitarian funds more professional manner with emphasis on educational programs, health, community development and economic empowerment as a seed distribution program. Rumah Zakat performs a differentiated marketing strategy on product SuperQurban. Superquban are the program management sacrificial meat in cans. However, what similarities and differences as well as the implementation of the differentiation made Zakat House that if the review by the views of the marketing strategy according to Philip Kotler, and Muhammad Shakir Sula. The method used is descriptive-comparative method, which analyzes the factors that cause the occurrence or appearance of a particular phenomenon by comparing the similarities and differences of two or more of the facts and the properties of the object under study is based on a certain frame of mind in a different time. Data collected by interview, documentation, and literature study. The results of this study indicate that the marketing strategy according to Philip Kotler is the marketing logic used by the company in the hope that business units can achieve its goals. According to Muhammad Shakir Sula is the process of determining the plan's top leaders that focuses on long-term goals the entire process in accordance with the contract and the principles of Islam. Implementation SuperQurban product differentiation among others by launching meatpacking sacrificial worship became corned beef in cans. According to Philip Kotler and Muhammad Shakir Sula marketing strategy on product differentiation of Superquban in Rumah Zakat (RZ) Branch Turangga Bandung is in line with the view of product differentiation Philip Kotler. As an additional marketing strategy by Muhammad Shakir Sula, differentiation of products made by Rumah Zakat (RZ) is a real form of deals for new innovations in terms of sacrifices that God willing processing in accordance with sharia


Marketing Strategy, Differentiation, Superqurban Product


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