The Effect of Supervision Program of BMT Funding Implementation on Customer Behavior of BMT TAMZIS Branch Cimahi

Listya Ramadhani, N. Eva Fauziah, Nunung Nurhayati


BMT has played an active role in promoting the regional economic communities in Cimahi especially micro entrepreneur’s clients such as traders, artisans, and other small businesses. From all BMT in Cimahi, the authors chose BMT TAMZIS as the research object, because BMT TAMZIS has a program routine surveillance conducted, Financing conducted BMT TAMZIS covering financing productive with the contract Mudaraba and Musharaka and consumer financing with Murabahah, which both have ways and different regulations. The authors draw from the problem of deviant behavior in the use of funds financing customers both consumptive and productive, by doing routine surveillance and further improved supervision quality it will reduce their alleged irregularities in customer behavior. The purpose of this study was to determine the financing surveillance program in BMT TAMZIS Branch Cimahi, financing customer behavior, and the influence of financial monitoring of customer behavior. The method used in this research is descriptive and verification methods. Data collection techniques used were interviews and questionnaires, the respondents were employees BMT TAMZIS Branch Cimahi many as 20 employees. The results showed that the surveillance program's funding of BMT rated good in the amount of 73.5% according to the indicators for measuring the implementation of the surveillance program BMT good. Behavior of customers rated well for 79.2%. The research results show the percentage increased surveillance application 85.95%. That is, a strong influence on customer behavior. Thus, it can be concluded that the variable behavior of customers affected by the implementation of the program variable BMT supervision by 85.9% and the remaining 14.1% by other factors were not examined in this study.


Monitoring Program, Customer Behavior


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