The Influence of Gold Pawn Financing of BSM iB on the Profitability of Bank Syariah Mandiri 2010-2014

Ellyna Apriliany, Zaini Abdul Malik, Azib Azib


Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) has established ten (10) main work priorities as guidelines for the 2009 work program contained in the Bank Business Plan (RBB) in 2009. One of the major work priorities in question is, develop financing carefully at -Lack Rp3,43 trillion, with a focus on SMEs, so that portion to 58% SME financing, corporate financing up to 42% with a ratio of FDR 91.93% of Rahn and build your business as well as possible to achieve a minimum of 60 billion portfolio. Bank Syariah Mandiri can execute mortgage business because it has an adequate legal basis. The potential market is large enough for BSM pawn loan product. In addition, the fierce competition among actors gold pawn business is every day increasing in number. The formulation of the problem in this research is how the development of gold BSM iB mortgages financing, profitability, and the influence of a gold mortgage financing BSM iB to profitability at Bank Syariah Mandiri period 2010-2014. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of gold BSM iB mortgage financing, profitability and its impact on the Bank Syariah Mandiri period 2010-2014. The method used in this research using quantitative methods. Source of this research is secondary data derived from the quarterly financial statements of Bank Syariah Mandiri during the period 2010-2014, data collection techniques to the study of literature and documentation. Data analysis techniques used with the reliability test, regression analysis, and hypothesis testing. These results indicate that the gold mortgage financing BSM iB significant effect on profitability at Bank Syariah Mandiri during the period of 2010-2014, and the rest on the influence of other factors. Can be seen from the table above output turns t is -6.093, whereas t table for the 5% significance level and degrees of freedom (n-2) = 18, the obtained t (0.05, 18) = -2.101. Based on these results, it can be seen that t count is greater than t table (-6.093; -2.101), so it was concluded that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted.


Pawn Financing, Profitability, Bank Syariah Mandiri


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