Protection for Muslim Consumer for Cutting Chicken in Traditional Market and Household Chinese Reviewed from Regulation of The City of Bandung Number 11 The Year 2012 on The Implementation and Retribution of Household Chicken and Islamic Laws

Ismaya Putri Karisa, Tatty Aryani Ramli


As Muslims, the security and salvation in worship concerning Muslim Qaeda are very important. Therefore, Muslim Consumers in Indonesia are required to obtain food security, especially chicken that is halal Thay-Iban and qualified Safe, Healthy, Whole, and Halal (ASUH). The city of Bandung does not yet have a Chicken Slaughterhouse that is under government supervision. So to meet the demand of chicken pieces then stands Chicken-cutting house owned by individuals. Indications are found that the procedure of cutting Chicken in RPA owned by individuals and Traditional Market does not guarantee the right of safety and security of Muslim Consumers in accordance with the Law and the Qur'an. Therefore this study aims to find out how the procedure of chicken slaughter and government efforts in protecting Muslim Consumers in terms of Local Regulations Bandung No. 11 of 2012 on Implementation and Retribution of Cutting Animal and Islamic Law. This research uses the normative juridical method with descriptive analytical research specification. Data collection techniques used in this study are literature study and interview. The results obtained illustrate that the procedure of slaughtering chickens at Rumah Pemotongan Ayam and Traditional Market in Bandung City not in accordance with the provisions of Regional Regulation No. 11 of 2012 on Pengelenggaran and Islamic Law. While the government Department of Agriculture and Food Security along with the Indonesian Ulema Council has made efforts to cut chicken eligible ASUH (Safe, Healthy, Whole, and Halal), that is by providing education to business actors, training to the slave, and the examination To the Traditional Market.


Muslim Consumer Protection, Procedures of Cutting Chicken, ASUH, Halalan Thayyiban


Al Quran

Al-Maidah : 3

Al-An’am : 118


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