The Stunning Method of Animal Slaughter is Reviewed by Government Regulation Number 95 of 2012 on Veterinary Public Health and Animal Welfare and Islamic Law in The Framework of The Protection of Muslim Consumers

Valdy Akbar, Tatty Aryani Ramli


In consuming meat products, Muslim consumer not only about the material or the ingredients that must be halal, but the way of slaughter also must be right. According to Government Regulation Number 95 Of 2012 On Veterinary Public Health and Animal Welfare, now the process of slaughtering animal should not cause animals to be hurt, fear, and stress. Therefore it known stunning method to ease the pain of animals before slaughter and simplify the process of slaughter. The implementation of stunning methods that are performed inappropriately may pose a risk that in addition to affecting the animal will also affect the status of halal and thoyyib its meat products. The goal of this study was to determine Implementation of stunning method on slaughtering process at slaughterhouse in accordance with Al-Qur’an-Hadits and The Rule of law invitation that guarantee muslim consumer and to determine Efforts to ensure implementation risks can be avoided.The data are collected from literature, field study, and interview. Results from this study showed that The implemantation of the stunning method at the slaughterhouse of ciroyom can be declared to have protected Muslim consumers to meat products, because the implementation of stunning method not just refers to the rules, but also refers to the Qur'an and hadith. The Efforts are made by slaughterhouse of ciroyom to ensure halal and thayyib of products for muslim consumer is Any implementation of stunning methods in slaughterhouses should be supervised to avoid the risk of dead animals before slaughter.


Muslim consumer, Slaughter animal, Stunning Method


Sumber Buku

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Sumber Majalah dan Surat Kabar

Tatty Aryani Ramli, “Andai Konsumen (Muslim) Adalah Rajaâ€, Artikel GriyaIlmu Kompas, No.311,19 Mei 2017

Sumber Internet

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