Law Enforcement Against Implementation of Narcotics User Rehabilitation Sanction in Decision Number. 322 / Pid.Sus / 2016 PN. Bale Bandung (West Java) Connected to Article 54 of Law Number. 35 Year 2009 about Narcotics

Muhammad Zeen Mukarom, Eka Juarsa


This research is motivated by the first problem which is barrier for narcotics users to get the right of rehabilitation. Whereas regarding the rehabilitation has been regulated in Law Number. 35 of 2009 on Narcotics Article 54 states that narcotic addicts and drug abuse victims shall undergo medical rehabilitation and social rehabilitation. The second problem is regarding the judges consideration in giving sanction of rehabilitation to perpetrators of narcotics abuse. This study aims to determine the obstacles for someone who uses narcotic (narcotics addicts) in proposing the right of rehabilitation. Also to find out how judges consideration in providing rehabilitation sanctions for narcotics addicts. This research uses normative juridical method, that is an approach method that emphasizes on the science of law by way of research on positive law besides also trying to study the rules of law applicable with analytical descriptive research specification. Data collection technique used in this research is literature study and interview. The result of this research is that a person who has been proven to use narcotics should be rehabilitated even though there are still many obstacles in the rehabilitation process. Among other things, are because of the rehabilitation center are not sufficient enough to accommodate, compared to the large number of active narcotics users in Indonesia. The perpetrator who has got the right of rehabilitation still remains an active narcotics user. In this case the judge was deemed less attention to the rights of the defendant where the defendant who has only 0.4 grams of narcotics should get the right to rehabilitation, but in reality the defendant must serve a sentence of 4 years in prison.


Law Enforcement, Sanction Implementation, Narcotics Rehabilitation, Narcotics Addict



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Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 35 Tahun 2009 Tentang Narkotika, Penjelasan Pasal 6 Ayat 1.


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