Legal Protection of Children who are Victims of Criminal Trade in West Java Province Reviewed in Positive Criminal Law Perspectives in Indonesia

Refani Yanuarti Pertiwi, Nandang Sambas


This research is based on the increasing number of trafficking crime cases, in Indonesia the problem of trafficking in persons becomes one of the big threats where every year almost instantly children and women in Indonesia become the special victim of West Java Province which is the victim recipient, as the transit place, The modus operandi carried out by the perpetrator, pimp or brokers in a professional manner because it is supported by the influence of technological progress and information on the victim with promises will be employed in the city with a large salary when the city reaches the destination of the victims tricked and taken to become sex workers With the aim To enrich themselves. The purpose of this study is to find out how the legal form for children who are victims of the Crime of Trafficking in Persons (TPPO) in the positive criminal law in Indonesia and the factors that cause trafficking of children and women in Indonesia. This study uses the normative juridical method, which is an approach method that emphasizes the legal law premises how to examine the rules of applicable law. Data technique used in this research is literature study and internet media by collecting secondary data from books, scientific essays, articles, journals, and documents related to the studied. The result of research which is a legal form for child victims of Crime of Trafficking in Persons of Positive Criminal Law in Indonesia is regulated in various general and special law regulation, namely General Criminal Law (Penal Code), Law Number 13 of 2006 on the Protection of Witnesses and Victims, while specifically, Law Number 21 of  2007 on the Eradication of Crime of Trafficking in Persons, Law Number 35 of  2014 About Amendment to Law Number 23 of 2002 on Child Protection, West Java Regulation No. 3 of 2008 About Prevention and Handling Victims of Trafficking Persons in West Java. The factors causing the trafficking of children and women in Indonesia are economic factors or poverty, ecological factors, socio-cultural factors, gender equality inequality, law enforcement factors, legal factors, facilities and facilities, community factors, cultural factors. 


Trafficking in Persons, Children, Legal Protection


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