Analysis of lactate etacridin on chicken using extra high of liquid cromatography (EHLC)

Linda Susilawati, Anggi Arumsari, Ruly Nugrah


The research describes Analysis of lactate etacridin on chicken using extra high of liquid cromatography. (EHLC Agilent 1220 using Zorbax column of C-18 (250 x 4,6 mm), movement phase of methanol: 0,05% sodium dodecylsulfonate pH 3 (85:15) with flow speed 1,5 mL/menite and UV detertor with phase length 272 nm. Chicken is prepared by adding tricloroacetate 1% (TCA) and acetonitril solvent, preparation starts from centrifugation stage and liquid-liquid extraction, qualitatively, the results show that chicken contains lactate etacridin signed by red colour change after admixing it with NaOH, and EHLC result. The results show that the value of Rf is 0,75. Quantitatively, the result shows that the degree of the sample is 377,5 ppm. The calibration curve results in good linierity and that is (r2 =0,993). The obtained accuration value on the concentration of 20 ppm is 258,205%, on 30 ppm is 232,478%, and on 40 ppm is 184,969%. The obtained precision from relative standard deviation (RSD) score is 0,6546 % it satisfies the condition of RSD  2%,  detection limit is 5, 198 ppm, and quantity limit is 17,327 ppm.


Lactate etacridin, chicken, extra high of liquid cromatography (EHLC)


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