Studi Literatur Aktivitas Antidiare dari Beberapa Ekstrak Tanaman Suku Fabaceae

Alexandra Edelyn, Suwendar Suwendar, Ratu Choesrina


ABSTRACT: Diarrhea in Indonesia occurs 200 - 374 cases in 1000 residents, which 60-70% of them are toddlers. One of the many plants that show antidiarrheal activity is the Fabaceae family, which Pongamia pinnata, Hymenaea stigonocarpa, Daniella oliveri, Mimosa pudica, Caesalpinia bonducella, Clitorea ternatea, and Archidendron pauciflorum. The purpose of this literature study is to determine the antidiarrheal activity of the Fabaceae family plant tested by diarrhea protection method with Oleum ricini induced and to determine the content of secondary metabolite compounds in plants that act as antidiarrheal. This research was conducted with literature studies from several international and national articles. The result of this study is that some plant extracts of the Family Fabaceae are able to suppress diarrhea that occurs is P.pinnata seeds decrease the weight of feces with the content of compound groups in the extract namely alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids and steroids, bark H.stigonocarpa lowers the onset of diarrhea and improves the consistency of feces with the content of secondary metabolites in the extract are flavonoids and tannins, D.oliveri leaves are able to reduce the number of animals that diarrhea with secondary metabolite content in extracts are flavonoids, steroids, and tannins, herb M.pudica able to lower the frequency of defecation and weight of feces with the content of secondary metabolites in the extract is alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids and steroids, C.bonducella leaves lower the weight of feces with secondary metabolite content in the extract is tannins, flavonoids and steroids, leaves C.ternatea able to lose weight feces with secondary metabolite content in extracts are alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids and steroids, and fruit skin A.pauciflorum able to decrease the onset, frequency, and duration of diarrhea with the content of secondary metabolites in the extract are alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids and steroids. This study concludes that the fabaceae family plants studied are P.pinnata, H.stigonocarpa, D.oliveri, M.pudica, C.bonducella, C.ternatea, and A.pauciflorum capable of showing antidiarrheal activity with the content of compound groups in the form of alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, and steroids that can cause anti-diarrheal effects.

Keywords: antidiarrheal, Fabaceae family, diarrhea induced by castor oil.

ABSTRAK: Diare di Indonesia terjadi pada 200–374 kasus dalam 1000 penduduk, 60-70% diantaranya balita. Salah satu tanaman yang menunjukkan aktivitas antidiare adalah suku Fabaceae diantaranya Pongamia pinnata, Hymenaea stigonocarpa, Daniella oliveri, Mimosa pudica, Caesalpinia bonducella, Clitorea ternatea, dan Archidendron pauciflorum. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui aktivitas antidiare dari tanaman suku Fabaceae yang diuji dengan metode proteksi diinduksi Oleum ricini dan mengetahui kandungan metabolit sekunder dalam tanaman yang berperan antidiare. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan studi literatur dari beberapa artikel internasional maupun nasional. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu beberapa ekstrak tanaman suku Fabaceae mampu menekan diare yang terjadi adalah biji P.pinnata menurunkan bobot feses dengan kandungan metabolit sekunder berupa alkaloid, tanin, flavonoid dan steroid, kulit batang H.stigonocarpa menurunkan onset diare dan meningkatkan konsistensi feses dengan kandungan metabolit sekunder berupa flavonoid dan tanin, daun D.oliveri mengurangi jumlah hewan yang diare dengan kandungan metabolit sekunder berupa flavonoid, steroid, dan tanin, herba M.pudica menurunkan frekuensi defekasi dan bobot feses dengan kandungan metabolit sekunder berupa alkaloid, tanin, flavonoid dan steroid, daun C.bonducella menurunkan bobot feses dengan kandungan golongan senyawa dalam ekstrak yaitu tanin, flavonoid dan steroid, daun C.ternatea menurunkan bobot feses dengan kandungan metabolit sekunder berupa alkaloid, tanin, flavonoid dan steroid, dan kulit buah A.pauciflorum menurunkan onset, frekuensi, dan durasi diare dengan kandungan metabolit sekunder berupa alkaloid, tanin, flavonoid dan steroid. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah tanaman suku fabaceae yaitu P.pinnata, H.stigonocarpa, D.oliveri, M.pudica, C.bonducella, C.ternatea, dan A.pauciflorum menunjukkan aktivitas antidiare dengan kandungan golongan senyawa berupa alkaloid, flavonoid, tanin, dan steroid yang mampu menimbulkan efek antidiare.

Kata Kunci: antidiare, suku Fabaceae, induksi diare Oleum ricini.


antidiare, suku Fabaceae, induksi diare Oleum ricini.

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