Analisis Kadar Karbon Monoksida (CO) pada Perokok dan Non-Perokok melalui Breath Test Menggunakan Smokerlyzer®

Risa Apriani Hilyah, Fetri Lestari, Lanny Mulqie


Abstract. Smoking is one of Indonesians' habits that are harmful to their health due to the poisonous chemical substances, particularly carbon monoxide (CO), in every cigarette being smoked. The inhaled carbon monoxide will be bound to the haemoglobin in blood reducing its ability to transport O2 to body tissues. One of the prevention efforts dor a health risk caused by exposure to CO from cigarette smoke is by measuring CO levels using smokerlyzer®.  This study aims to analyse the levels of CO amongst smokers and non-smokers in. The study is a non-experimental research in design of case control study conducted in a district in the city of Bandung. The samples were taken from 20 people using convenience sampling technique. The measurement of CO levels was done using Micro+™ Smokerlyzer® Bendfont. The result shows that the average of CO levels in the group of male smokers being as high as 16,14 ppm and that amongst female smokers being as high as 10,33 ppm meanwhile the group of non-smokers only has 6,00 ppm. There is a dissimilarity of CO levels between smokers and non-smokers in Antapani Public Health Centre (p=0,000) the CO levels in smokers are higher than those in non-smokers

Keywords: CO levels, smokers, non-smokers, smokerlyzer®

Abstrak. Merokok merupakan salah satu gaya hidup masyarakat Indonesia yang berbahaya bagi kesehatan karena dalam setiap rokok yang dihisap mengandung zat kimia beracun terutama karbon monoksida (CO). CO yang terhirup akan berikatan dengan hemoglobin darah menyebabkan kemampuan darah untuk mentransport O2 ke jaringan tubuh berkurang. Salah satu upaya pencegahan terjadinya resiko gangguan kesehatan akibat rokok yaitu dengan mengukuran kadar CO menggunakan smokerlyzer®. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kadar CO perokok dan non-perokok. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian non-eksperimental dengan desain case control study yang dilakukan di suatu kecamatan di Kota Bandung. Sampel berjumlah 20 orang menggunakan teknik concinience sampling. Pengukuran kadar CO menggunakan Micro+ Smokerlyzer® Bendfont. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa rata-rata kadar CO pada kelompok perokok laki-laki sebesar 16,14 ppm, kelompok perokok perempuan 10,33 ppm dan kelompok non-perokok sebesar 6,00 ppm. Terdapat perbedaan kadar CO pada perokok dan non-perokok di suatu kecamatan di Kota Bandung (p=0,000) dimana kadar CO perokok lebih tinggi dibandingkan non-perokok.

Kata Kunci: kadar CO, perokok, non-perokok, smokerlyzer®


kadar CO, perokok, non-perokok, smokerlyzer®

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