No Association between Malnutrition and AFB Status of Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Shafa Medina Ismayani, Apen Afgani Ridwan, Mirasari Putri


Pulmonary TB remains a major health problems of the world. The classification divided into Positive and Negative AFB smears. Malnutrition (undernutrition) is one of the risk factors for TB that can affect the host immunity, conversely TB infection may cause malnutrition and worsening the outcome. Objective of this study was to analyze relationship between malnutrition and AFB status of pulmonary TB in RSUD Al-Ihsan Bandung period April-June 2017. This was an observational analytic study using cross sectional method. Data obtained from medical records of pulmonary TB patients in RSUD Al-Ihsan Bandung period April-June 2017, using 87 samples with cosecutive sampling method and chi-square statistic test. Dominant category malnurtrition in pulmonary TB was mild malnutrition with average BMI 18.19 kg/m2. The result of statistic test for correlation between malnutrition and AFB status of pulmonary tuberculosis in RSUD Al-Ihsan Bandung period April-June 2017 showed that p-value (0.091) <0.05. Conclusion, there wasn’t a significant relationship between malnutrition and AFB status of pulmonary tuberculosis in RSUD Al-Ihsan Bandung period April-June 2017, so further study may be needed. Hopefully all substance can provide more intensive treatment to malnourished patients related of risk factors for pulmonary TB.


Body Mass Index, Malnutrition, Pulmonary Tuberculosis


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